Experience the new Watchlist

Settle into the new CommSec Watchlist and discover all the features available, including live streaming, adding up to 200 stocks (including International), organising your stocks within watchlists your way, and choosing and rearranging your columns however you want.

November 2024


You asked, we listened 

With any new experience we know there’s always room for improvement, and we’re committed to continuously improving the new Watchlist experience in the CommSec website. We’ve heard your feedback about Watchlist and we’re responding.



Why it was time for a change

We know the Watchlist has been a key tool for many of our customers for almost 30 years. The Watchlist was built using legacy technology that's nearly at the end of its lifecycle and will no longer be supported. Transitioning to this new Watchlist is essential to ensure continued reliability and support.

What’s changing?

Here are some of the key improvements you’ll start seeing in the Watchlist, based on what you’ve told us:

Save your Watchlist stock in alphabetical order

You’ve told us that sorting your Watchlists in alphabetical order is a valuable feature that lets you find stocks easily and make investment decisions quickly. To save this alphabetical view as a default so that it appears next time you log in, click into your Watchlist settings and toggle “Save alphabetical order (A-Z)”.

Pre- and post-market data

You can now view pre- and post-market data by customising your watchlist columns. Access to this data will help you make more informed investment decisions.


View announcement summaries directly in your Watchlist

To help you make better investment decisions, in addition to the sensitive announcement icon, we’re including all (sensitive and non-sensitive) announcement summaries with links to PDFs directly into your curated Watchlist. This will allow you to see stock announcements for stocks that may not yet be in your portfolio. This simple view is a time-saver as you’ll no longer need to search individually in detailed stock pages to find this information.

We’re improving the Watchlist’s look and feel

You’ve told us the current font is too hard to read, and you’d prefer the letters and words to be thicker and bolder. We’re also reducing size of the header fonts and the white space around the tables, and making the numbers clearer and easier to read.

Easily customise Watchlist columns to better suit your needs

We’re improving the ability to manage the columns that show in your Watchlist, enabling you to easily remove and add different columns with information that’s important to you. Instead of being embedded within the Watchlist columns, the “Manage My Watchlist” button will be displayed on the page as a separate button, making it more intuitive to find.


More improvements on the way

We’re continuously working on new features and enhancements based on your feedback. Stay tuned for more updates in the coming weeks – you can return to this dedicated release page to see what improvements have been made and what’s planned for the future.

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Support and FAQs

We’ve also updated our FAQs and provided additional training and resources for our frontline teams to better support you with the new Watchlist. For any questions or help, please visit our Help Centre or contact our support team.


© Commonwealth Securities Limited ABN 60 067 254 399 AFSL 238814 (CommSec) is a wholly owned but non-guaranteed subsidiary of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124 AFSL 234945. CommSec is a Market Participant of ASX Limited and Cboe Australia Pty Limited, a Clearing Participant of ASX Clear Pty Limited and a Settlement Participant of ASX Settlement Pty Limited.

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