Things you need to know:
1. You must be selected by CommSec to be part of the CommSec One program and qualify by meeting ‘one’ of the following criteria types over a 12 month period:
- Annual brokerage spend of AUD $3,000 or more, OR
- Average Margin Loan balance of AUD $100,000 or more, OR
- Average CHESS or International holdings of AUD $2.5m or more, OR
- Registered to CommSec Sophisticated Investor Program (with eligibility criteria to either have net assets of at least AUD $2.5m or gross income of least AUD $250,000 per year for the last two financial years.)
You must be invited by CommSec to be a CommSec Platinum customer. The CommSec One Terms of Service (including benefits) are applicable to CommSec Platinum customers.
2. CommSec one events: Events will be held in select capital cities. However, if you reside outside of these areas information presented will be made available after the event. After logging in to, select Portfolio, select CommSec One, select the ‘Events and Webinars’ tab.
3. CommSecIRESS Viewpoint/WebIRESS: The terms of use are subject to the CommSecIRESS Viewpoint Subscription Agreement available in the Subscriptions section of the CommSec website. For more information on CommSec Platforms and their fees, please contact the CommSec One service team.
4. Refer to the ‘Best Execution Statement Disclosure’ for more information.
5. IPOs: Access to IPOs and the ability to register to become a wholesale investor if you meet the sophisticated investor criteria under the Corporations Act 2001.
6. Trading Central Daily Trading Alerts: CommSec will automatically give you access to TRADING CENTRAL’s Daily Trading Alerts – a daily trading alerts email. You can unsubscribe from this service at any time by using the unsubscribe link in the email. The Daily Trading Alerts is automatically generated based on TRADING CENTRAL's proprietary software and is for information only. The contents of the email do not constitute advice or a recommendation by TRADING CENTRAL or CommSec in respect to the investment in financial instruments. Your use of the Daily Trading Alerts service is subject to the TRADING CENTRAL Terms of Use
7. Morningstar Premium Research: The complimentary offer of Morningstar Premium Research is for a maximum of three months from the date of application. Clients must contact CommSec One to request the application of this free access to their profile. The offer provides clients with access to the Morningstar Premium Research package integrated into the CommSec Research platform, and does not extend to any other Morningstar research offerings not available through the CommSec platform.
8. Funds must be available on the morning of the settlement date. For further information, read about CommSec's trading limits.
9. The target market for this product can be found within the product’s Target Market Determination, available here.
10. Off Market transfers fees: The offer to process Off Market transfer requests without the standard $54 charge per transfer is only available for qualified CommSec One clients who meet the criteria outlined in the CommSec One Terms of Service. Fees will not be charged for transfers between your CommSec accounts.
Commonwealth Securities Limited ABN 60 067 254 399 AFSL 238814 (CommSec) is a wholly owned but non-guaranteed subsidiary of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia ABN 48 123 123 124 AFSL 234945. CommSec is a Market Participant of ASX Limited and Cboe Australia Pty Limited, a Clearing Participant of ASX Clear Pty Limited and a Settlement Participant of ASX Settlement Pty Limited.